NaN library is a beautiful collection of weird typefaces. Not a weird collection of beautiful typefaces.
Free-to-Use & Open-Source
NaN Holo Gigawide Ultra
NaN Rage
7 Families, 4 Widths, 9 Weights, 252 Styles, LAT
NaN Rage Beau
Une Langue Synthétique v1.0

NaN Rage Slab
Sacrificial Sheep: The Novel

NaN Rage Sans
*! Prototype Replicant !*

NaN Rage Soft
① La Biologie Synthétique

NaN Rage Poly
Ein über fuhr durch Gossensaß

NaN Rage Quik
Disk-shaped cortical stack

NaN Rage Zipp
CRISPR-associated protein

NaN Serf
2 flavours, 3 optical sizes, 8 weights, italics, LAT
NaN Serf A Display
Kerala State Television Awards 2016

NaN Serf A Headline
Bleep Mix #232 – Nik Colk Void

NaN Serf A Text
Siddhartha: Eine Indische Dichtung

NaN Serf Micro
23455.87 Synthetic Biology 1.0 (SB1)

NaN Jaune
3 optical sizes, 8 weights, italics, LAT+CYR
NaN Jaune Maxi
Johnny Cash Sings Precious

NaN Jaune Midi
ръцките банки ще бъдат

NaN Jaune Mini
Alma matter and “alba pater”

NaN Holo
5 widths + mono, 6 weights, LAT
NaN Holo Compressed
90's=High Fashion, 10's=Slow F***, 20's=Fashion degrowth?

NaN Holo X-Condensed
Page length (in bytes) 26,229 – ish

NaN Holo Condensed
@hash {'ME','

NaN Holo Narrow
À la recherche d'un bonheur simple

NaN Holo
*! Improved Prototype #2047 !*

NaN Holo Mono
Kreation {und} Depression

NaN Druid
2 families, 8 weights, LAT
NaN Druid Sans
Chamberlin, Powell & Bon (Wiki)

NaN Druid
10Y YIELD UP 10BPS TO 2.65%

NaN Spaceland
7 weights, LAT
NaN Spaceland
Patrick Hernandez > Born to Be Alive

NaN Hyena
3 families, 9 weight, LAT
NaN Hyena Sunrise
†Lower Ye Expectations Ye Who Seecks†

NaN Hyena Noon
Were you really thinking that you could?

NaN Hyena Sunset
2026-06-19: Aircraft Mega-Deals

NaN Tragedy
2 optical sizes, mono, italics, LAT
NaN Tragedy Display Mono
National Institute of Kathak Dance

NaN Tragedy Display
Bleep Mix #232 – Nik Colk Void

NaN Tragedy Text
38743423 Synthetic Biology 1.0 (SB1)

NaN Metrify
3 flavours, 9 widths, 6 weights, italics, ARB+CYR+HBW+GRK+LAT+PANAF+THAI
NaN Metrify Arabic
أراك في المرة القادمة

NaN Metrify Greek
Μιλάει πολλές γλώσσες

NaN Metrify Thai

NaN Metrify Cyrillic
Володіє багатьма мовами

NaN Metrify Hebrew
מוגנות בכוח שלטונו

NaN Metrify Latin Compressed
It emerged during the 1970s, like did my father

NaN Metrify Latin Condensed
Page length (in bytes) 26,229 – ish

NaN Metrify Latin Wide
@hash {'ME'

NaN Metrify Latin Ultrawide
Übergröße Präzisionsm

NaN Tresor
3 optical sizes, 5 weights, LAT+PANAF
NaN Tresor L
12:27 PM · Apr 6, 2022 · TweetDeck

NaN Tresor M
Demateriology and its consequences

NaN Tresor S
Mikhail Gorbachev – 91 – Former

NaN Success
3 families, widths and/or weights, LAT+CYR
NaN Success Titling
Фіна́нсова (або схема Понці) — вид шахрайства

NaN Success Sans

NaN Success Text

NaN Fiasco
9 weights, LAT
NaN Fiasco

NaN Weiss
9 weights, LAT
NaN Weiss
Ein Auto fuhr durch Gossensaß

Back-to-School Font Pack
Free-to-use & Open-Source Typefaces
NaN Holo Gigawide Ultra
Free-to-Use, 1 weight, LAT
NaN Holo Gigawide Ultra
Ein Auto fuhr durch Gossensaß

Open-Source, 6 weights, LAT+CYR
Johnny Cash Sings

Machine Learning generated font desciption
This typeface that can function as a Python, with a few options: