With closed apertures, display for text, and text for display, Jaune follows and epitomises NaN’s motto: take a bad idea and do it well (or at least die trying). If one typically avoids colliding glyph anatomy, then Jaune looks at the problem upside down and sticks together that which normally shouldn’t touch.
With just one optical size, NaN Jaune delivers three subfamilies across its collection, each as unconventional, confident, and convincing as the last – ranging from Maxi to Mini.
Maxi, the Dad of the font family, is the biggest of the lot, having been created with display in mind. Ranging from the blackest Black to a razor-sharp Thin, its short extenders make it ideal for compact text blocks and strong headlines.
Meanwhile, Midi is the happy middle child – an all-terrain people-pleaser who’s content and comfortable in all contexts and conversations.
Mini, the baby, opts for a more simplified structure, with open counters and deep ink traps, enhancing legibility across smaller sizes and long texts, all while embodying Jaune’s natural, undeniable swagger.
Typeface: NaN Jaune Designer:Jérémy Landes Italic and Cyrillic Design: Vika Usmanova Spacing & Kerning: Igino Marini Year: 2016-2022 Languages: Supporting 339 Latin-based languages and 16 Cyrillic-based languages Formats: TTF, WOFF2 (Autohinted)
As the streets that lead from the Strand to the Embankment are very narrow, it is better not to walk down them arm-in-arm. If you persist, lawyers’ clerks will have to make flying leaps into the mud; young lady typists will have to fidget behind you. In the streets of London where beauty goes unregarded, eccentricity must pay the penalty, and it is better not to be very tall, to wear a long blue cloak, or to beat the air with your left hand. One afternoon in the beginning of October when the traffic was becoming brisk a tall man strode along the edge of the pavement with a lady on his arm. Angry glances struck upon their backs. The small, agitated figures—for in comparison with this couple most people looked small—decorated with fountain pens, and burdened with despatch-boxes, had appointments to keep, and drew a weekly salary, so that there was some reason for the unfriendly stare which was bestowed upon Mr. Ambrose’s height and upon Mrs. Ambrose’s cloak. But some enchantment had put both man and woman beyond the reach of malice and unpopularity. In his case one might guess from the moving lips that it was thought; and in hers from the eyes fixed stonily straight in front of her at a level above the eyes of most that it was sorrow. It was only by scorning all she met that she kept herself from tears, and the friction of people brushing past her was evidently painful. After watching the traffic on the Embankment for a minute or two with a stoical gaze she twitched her husband’s sleeve, and they crossed between the swift discharge of motor cars. When they were safe on the further side, she gently withdrew her arm from his, allowing her mouth at the same time to relax, to tremble; then tears rolled down, and leaning her elbows on the balustrade, she shielded her face from the curious. Mr. Ambrose attempted consolation; he patted her shoulder; but she showed no signs of admitting him, and feeling it awkward to stand beside a grief that was greater than his, he crossed his arms behind him, and took a turn along the pavement. The embankment juts out in angles here and there, like pulpits; instead of preachers, however, small boys occupy them, dangling string, dropping pebbles, or launching wads of paper for a cruise. With their sharp eye for eccentricity, they were inclined to think Mr. Ambrose awful; but the quickest witted cried “Bluebeard!” as he passed.
Our motto? Take a bad idea and do it well, or at least die trying.
сугубо греческие буквы (кси, пси, фита, ижица)
The use of fermentation, particularly for beverages, has existed since the Neolithic and has been documented dating from 7000–6600 BCE in Jiahu, China, 5000 BCE in India, Ayurveda mentions many Medicated Wines, 6000 BCE in Georgia,3150 BCE in ancient Egypt, 3000 BCE in Babylon, 2000 BCE in pre-Hispanic Mexico, and 1500 BC in Sudan. Fermented foods have a religious significance in Judaism and Christianity. The Baltic god Rugutis was worshiped as the agent of fermentation. Louis Pasteur in his laboratory — In 1837, Charles Cagniard de la Tour, Theodor Schwann and Friedrich Traugott Kützing independently published papers concluding, as a result of microscopic investigations, that yeast is a living organism that reproduces by budding. Schwann boiled grape juice to kill the yeast and found that no fermentation would occur until new yeast was added. However, a lot of chemists, including Antoine Lavoisier, continued to view fermentation as a simple chemical reaction and rejected the notion that living organisms could be involved. This was seen as a reversion to vitalism and was lampooned in an anonymous publication by Justus von Liebig and Friedrich Wöhler. 108–109 The turning point came when Louis Pasteur (1822–1895), during the 1850s and 1860s, repeated Schwann’s experiments and showed fermentation is initiated by living organisms in a series of investigations. In 1857, Pasteur showed lactic acid fermentation is caused by living organisms. In 1860, he demonstrated how bacteria cause souring in milk, a process formerly thought to be merely a chemical change. His work in identifying the role of microorganisms in food spoilage led to the process of pasteurization. In 1877, working to improve the French brewing industry, Pasteur published his famous paper on fermentation, «Etudes sur la Bière», which was translated into English in 1879 as «Studies on fermentation». He defined fermentation (incorrectly) as «Life without air», yet he correctly showed how specific types of microorganisms cause specific types of fermentations and specific end-products. Although showing fermentation resulted from the action of living microorganisms was a breakthrough, it did not explain the basic nature of fermentation; nor, prove it is caused by microorganisms which appear to be always present. Many scientists, including Pasteur, had unsuccessfully attempted to extract the fermentation enzyme from yeast. Success came in 1897 when the German chemist Eduard Buechner ground up yeast, extracted a juice from them, then found to his amazement this «dead» liquid would ferment a sugar solution, forming carbon dioxide and alcohol much like living yeasts.
Hard Trance Against A Robust Mycelium
As the streets that lead from the Strand to the Embankment are very narrow, it is better not to walk down them arm-in-arm. If you persist, lawyers’ clerks will have to make flying leaps into the mud; young lady typists will have to fidget behind you. In the streets of London where beauty goes unregarded, eccentricity must pay the penalty, and it is better not to be very tall, to wear a long blue cloak, or to beat the air with your left hand. One afternoon in the beginning of October when the traffic was becoming brisk a tall man strode along the edge of the pavement with a lady on his arm. Angry glances struck upon their backs. The small, agitated figures—for in comparison with this couple most people looked small—decorated with fountain pens, and burdened with despatch-boxes, had appointments to keep, and drew a weekly salary, so that there was some reason for the unfriendly stare which was bestowed upon Mr. Ambrose’s height and upon Mrs. Ambrose’s cloak. But some enchantment had put both man and woman beyond the reach of malice and unpopularity. In his case one might guess from the moving lips that it was thought; and in hers from the eyes fixed stonily straight in front of her at a level above the eyes of most that it was sorrow. It was only by scorning all she met that she kept herself from tears, and the friction of people brushing past her was evidently painful. After watching the traffic on the Embankment for a minute or two with a stoical gaze she twitched her husband’s sleeve, and they crossed between the swift discharge of motor cars. When they were safe on the further side, she gently withdrew her arm from his, allowing her mouth at the same time to relax, to tremble; then tears rolled down, and leaning her elbows on the balustrade, she shielded her face from the curious. Mr. Ambrose attempted consolation; he patted her shoulder; but she showed no signs of admitting him, and feeling it awkward to stand beside a grief that was greater than his, he crossed his arms behind him, and took a turn along the pavement. The embankment juts out in angles here and there, like pulpits; instead of preachers, however, small boys occupy them, dangling string, dropping pebbles, or launching wads of paper for a cruise. With their sharp eye for eccentricity, they were inclined to think Mr. Ambrose awful; but the quickest witted cried “Bluebeard!” as he passed.
Гръцките банки ще бъдат отворени в понеделник – на 20 юли. Това съобщи гръцката агенция АНА–МПА, като се позовава на свои източници в банковите среди. Лимитът за теглене на 60 евро на ден ще остане. Гражданите обаче ще могат да теглят не по 60 евро дневно, а ако сумата се натрупа, да теглят например по 120 евро веднъж на два дни. Гръцките банки бяха затворени в края на миналия месец във връзка с въвеждането на контрол за движението на капитал. По-рано днес Европейската централна банка (ЕЦБ) реши да увеличи тавана на ликвидната помощ за гръцките банки с 900 млн. евро. Достъпът до ликвидност никога не е бил неограничен и безусловен, заяви шефът на ЕЦБ Марио Драги на пресконференцията, на която съобщи за решението. По думите му в действията си Европейската централна банка винаги се е водела от разбирането, че Гърция ще остане в еврозоната. Драги заяви, че Гърция категорично има нужда от облекчаване на дълговото бреме. Това е изводът и от последния доклад на МВФ. Германия обаче за момента отказва да обсъжда отписване на гръцки дълг. Наистина ли гръцките данъчни не са успели да съберат 89% от данъците? Кореспондентите на Би Би Си анализират данъчната статистика и други икономически показатели на балканската страна, за да разкажат историята на гръцката криза. Истина ли са тези съвременни митове за гръцката икономика? За пръв път това твърдение е прозвучало от устата на Херакъл Полемархакис, съветник по икономика на бившия министър-председател на страната.
In thermodynamics, entropy is often associated with the amount of order or disorder in a thermodynamic system.”
In 1970, Peter Schmidt created “The Thoughts Behind the Thoughts”, a box containing 55 sentences letterpress printed onto disused prints that accumulated in his studio, which is still in Eno’s possession. Eno, who had known Schmidt since the late 1960s, had been pursuing a similar project himself, which he had handwritten onto a number of bamboo cards and given the name “Oblique Strategies” in 1974. There was a significant overlap between the two projects, and so, in late 1974, Schmidt and Eno combined them into a single pack of cards and offered them for general sale. The set went through three limited edition printings before Schmidt suddenly died in early 1980, after which the card decks became rather rare and expensive. Sixteen years later software pioneer Peter Norton convinced Eno to let him create a fourth edition as Christmas gifts for his friends (not for sale, although they occasionally come up at auction). Eno’s decision to revisit the cards and his collaboration with Norton in revising them is described in detail in his 1996 book A Year with Swollen Appendices.
From his famous 1896 Lectures on Gas Theory, Boltzmann diagrams the structure of a solid body, as shown above, by postulating that each molecule in the body has a ‘rest position’.
In 1970, Peter Schmidt created “The Thoughts Behind the Thoughts”, a box containing 55 sentences letterpress printed onto disused prints that accumulated in his studio, which is still in Eno’s possession. Eno, who had known Schmidt since the late 1960s, had been pursuing a similar project himself, which he had handwritten onto a number of bamboo cards and given the name “Oblique Strategies” in 1974. There was a significant overlap between the two projects, and so, in late 1974, Schmidt and Eno combined them into a single pack of cards and offered them for general sale. The set went through three limited edition printings before Schmidt suddenly died in early 1980, after which the card decks became rather rare and expensive. Sixteen years later software pioneer Peter Norton convinced Eno to let him create a fourth edition as Christmas gifts for his friends (not for sale, although they occasionally come up at auction). Eno’s decision to revisit the cards and his collaboration with Norton in revising them is described in detail in his 1996 book A Year with Swollen Appendices. With public interest in the cards undiminished, in 2001 Eno once again produced a new set of Oblique Strategies cards. The number and content of the cards vary according to the edition. In May 2013 a limited edition of 500 boxes, in burgundy rather than black, was issued. In 1970, Peter Schmidt created “The Thoughts Behind the Thoughts” a box containing 55 sentences letterpress printed onto disused prints that accumulated in his studio, which is still in Eno’s possession. Eno, who had known Schmidt since the late 1960s, had been pursuing a similar project himself, which he had handwritten onto a number of bamboo cards and given the name “Oblique Strategies” in 1974. There was a significant overlap between the two projects, and so, in late 1974, Schmidt and Eno combined them into a single pack of cards and offered them for general sale.
Jaune Maxi
Witchcraft was not declared a capital offence in Britain until 1563, although it was considered heresy and denounced as such by Pope Innocent VIII in 1484. From 1484 until around 1750, approximately 200,000 witches were tortured, burned, or hanged in Western Europe. It was not a nice time to be alive really, especially if you were a witch. Most alleged witches were typically old women and invariably poor, so you can guess who were the people prosecuting them…
Jaune Midi
Witchcraft was not declared a capital offence in Britain until 1563, although it was considered heresy and denounced as such by Pope Innocent VIII in 1484. From 1484 until around 1750, approximately 200,000 witches were tortured, burned, or hanged in Western Europe. It was not a nice time to be alive really, especially if you were a witch. Most alleged witches were typically old women and invariably poor, so you can guess who were the people prosecuting them…
Jaune Mini
Witchcraft was not declared a capital offence in Britain until 1563, although it was considered heresy and denounced as such by Pope Innocent VIII in 1484. From 1484 until around 1750, approximately 200,000 witches were tortured, burned, or hanged in Western Europe. It was not a nice time to be alive really, especially if you were a witch. Most alleged witches were typically old women and invariably poor, so you can guess who were the people prosecuting them…
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NaN Jaune Maxi BlackWhat Are You Up To? July 2016
NaN Jaune Maxi ExtraBold Italic/Entropy_(order_and_disorder)
NaN Jaune Maxi BoldСостав первоначальной 43 букв
NaN Jaune Maxi Medium ItalicPiscine & ballon, glycine ou glaçon
NaN Jaune Maxi RegularJohnny Cash Sings Precious Memories
NaN Jaune Maxi Blond Italic¡Verás que todo es posible(vuela, vuela)!
NaN Jaune Maxi Lightръцките банки ще бъдат отворени в понеделник
NaN Jaune Maxi Thin ItalicFleeting graffiti tags – utterances of time
NaN Jaune Midi Black10Y YIELD UP 10BPS TO 2.65%
NaN Jaune Midi Bold ItalicAlma matter and “alba pater”
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